Audit Frame Game


The Audit Frame Game – a groundbreaking blend of audit competition excitement and community engagement within the Web3 and cybersecurity world. Here, we merge the competitive spirit of security research with widespread community participation.

Participation Overview

  • Security Researchers/Auditors: Exclusively eligible to opt-in for audit competitions, showcasing their skills and competing for top honors and the possibility to win Hats points. To opt-in you must open a White Hat Hacker profile on Hats dapp.

  • General Participants: Open to everyone, regardless of experience or background. You can engage in the game by supporting your favorite auditors and participating in community activities.

How Security Researchers Join the Competition

  • Opt-In via Hats dApp: Security researchers interested in competing in audit competitions must opt-in through the Hats dApp where competitions are listed.

  • Opt-In Window: Researchers can register their participation until 24 hours before the competition starts. Ensure your spot by opting in early!

How to Play the Audit Frame Game

  • Open to All: While only security researchers compete in the audits, anyone can play the Audit Frame Game by supporting their chosen auditors.

  • Game Launch: The game goes live on Warpcast 24 hours before the start of audit competition.

  • Earning and Using Game Points: Engage with the Frame Game by liking and recasting content to earn Hats Game Points. Use these points to vote for the auditor you believe will win the highest reward.

  • Voting Period: Cast your vote up until half an hour before the audit competition begins. Remember, you have only one vote, so make it count.

Rewards and Game Points Distribution

  • Announcement of Winners: Winners of both the audit competition and the Audit Frame Game will be announced after the competition concludes.

  • Rewards Distribution:

    • The winner/s of the competition will receive Hats Points

    • 20% of the game's reward pool benefits the auditor who participated in the audit.

    • 80% is shared among players who accurately predicted the winning auditor, proportional to their point allocation.

Definitions and Terms

  • Game Points: Earn these provisional points through game engagement and campaign participation. Convertible to Hats points after completing certain activities.

  • Hats Points: Essential, non-transferable points within the ecosystem, granted for activity completion or challenge participation.

Voting Mechanics

Your support counts as votes, tallied through "Like" and "Recast" actions at the event's distribution time.


  • Hats Game Points aim to amplify security awareness and community involvement, serving as engagement tools rather than financial assets.

  • The kickoff of the Audit Frame game is scheduled to coincide with the beginning of the audit competition, subject to the final time approval of the competition's sponsor.

Last updated